A Few Posting Guidlines: When you join, please consider sending a brief note to the list to introduce yourself. You must sign your posts to the ShowBoxer-L with your REAL, full name and email address. No nicknames, please. Signature files should be restricted to a length of no more than 5 lines. Messages to the list must be in plain ASCII format only. Do not sent any part of a message to the list in HTML or any other special formats (this includes your signature file). Graphics files, greeting cards, and attachments (including text attachments) may not be sent to the ShowBoxer-L. Please note that if you are including forwarded text in a message to the list, it may *not* be sent as an attachment to your message! It is *your* responsibility to know your software and to send messages in the appropriate format. These messages will be rejected by the list software. Take everything you read with a grain of salt. Remember that not everyone is the most knowledgeable or the most experienced - but can sometimes be the most vocal! Just as in real-life gatherings, people tend to talk more as they become better acquainted. Everyone has a right to their opinion, you included, but remember that sometimes the written word can be construed differently than the writer intended. If your wish is to educate then remember that you can "catch more bees with honey...." While Boxer Rescue is a worthy cause, rescue posts should not be sent to the ShowBoxer-L (there is another forum available, which is designated specifically for discussion about Boxer Rescue, information can be found at http://www.boxerrescuelist.com/WebMaster.html). Similarly this is not the forum for puppy referrals. There is a list for that at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/boxerinquiries/. The ShowBoxer-L is not the place for messages about pooping, stuffed animals, or cute stories. Test messages, cute jokes, requests for subscription settings changes, virus warnings, Internet hoaxes, greeting cards, and chain mail should never be posted to the ShowBoxer-L. If you feel a list member has violated the list rules, express your concerns to an administrator, *not* to the member whose behaviour seems inappropriate to you, or to the list. If you have concerns about the administration of the list, they may not be discussed on the ShowBoxer-L. You may reach all the administrators by sending to You can also reach your personal options page by going to http://lists.showboxer-l.com/mailman/listinfo/showboxer-l scrolling to the bottom and entering your subscription email address. |